The procedures and forms included here are designed to assist our clients with warranty and repair needs. The Warranty Form should be used during the warranty period, which is one year from Certificate of Occupancy date or through the date specified on your contract.
The Repair Request should be used after expiration of the warranty.
The forms may be emailed to Warranty@firstflorida.com.
To speak to a representative of the Warranty and Repairs department, call 813-984-4600.

To properly submit a warranty request during your 1 year warranty period form please follow the below steps:
1. Begin filling out the correct form for your issue, either for regular warranty repair request or for an appliance.
2. As you fill out each section, please be sure to provide the requested information. Some sections have additional questions depending on your issues.
3. Once completed hit “submit”.
4. You should get an automated response stating your request has been sent in.
5. Be patient with us, we will reach out to you through warranty@firstflorida.com once we have a confirmed scheduled appointment for repair.
6. For emergencies or higher ended issues feel free to also email or call us to expedite the issue.
7. If you have questions about an already submitted issue, please follow up through an email with the subject line containing what Building, unit and issue your properties request is regarding. DO NOT send an additional/second warranty form.