The high quality of our work demonstrates our expertise in affordable apartments, as well as elderly housing, which we build throughout the state of Florida. We are particularly proud of our ability to produce excellent results for our clients in both metropolitan areas and small counties where these types of projects are often most needed. We also build market-rate housing and mixed-use commercial projects some of the area’s largest developers, including ZOM Florida, Richman Signature Properties and Camden Development, Landmark Development, Royal Senior Care, Frameworks, 2nd Wave Development, Mast Capital and Avalon Bay.
The 1960s - 1980s
Between 1963 and 1983, First Florida constructed more than 1,200 restaurants for Burger King and its franchisees. In the 1970s, First Florida expanded its customer base to include other national restaurant companies and became the general contractor for prestigious national chains including Wendy’s, Sambos, Victoria Stations, El Toritos, WR Grace Restaurant Group, McDonalds, Hardees, Arby’s, Sizzler’s and Garcia’s.
The 1980s - 1990s
By 1982, First Florida was the nations largest restaurant
builder. During that time, First Florida expanded into the
hotel industry as well and ultimately constructed thousands of rooms for the country’s largest hotel chains including Marriott, Hilton, Holiday Inn, Sheraton and Hampton Inn. Continuing its aggressive expansion program, the company constructed large commercial and industrial projects throughout Florida. High-rise apartments, office buildings, water treatment plants, refrigerated warehouses and banks were added to the company’s projects.
The First Florida Today
First Florida is presently managed by President and CEO - Greg Wyka, Vice President - Dana Teeter and Vice President - Andrew Lenahan and is the state’s leading multi-family housing contractor, skilled in the construction of both market-rate and affordable apartment housing. The State of Florida and the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity have approved First Florida as a contractor for all tax credit and HUD projects.